Camp Event Notifications / Уведомления о событиях лагеря

Camp Event Notifications / Уведомления о событиях лагеря 0.4.5

Camp Event Notifications-01.jpg
Добавляет визуальные уведомления, которые подскажут игроку, когда ему следует пойти в лагерь из-за ночных событий или просто от того, что кто-то из спутников желает с вами поговорить.

В BG3 полно событий в лагере, которые игроки пропускают из-за того, что не отдыхают достаточно часто, или не отдыхают в определенное время, которое ожидает игра.

Этот мод регулярно проверяет наличие/отсутствие "Ночных событий в лагере" и добавляет плавающий восклицательный знак над головой вашего главного героя (подобный тому, который появляется у спутников, когда им есть что вам сказать).
Когда появляется этот знак, вам следует отправиться в лагерь и поговорить со своими спутниками и/или отдыхать до полного восстановления, чтобы не пропустить эти события.

В будущей версии этого мода будет изменена логика игры, чтобы несколько событий могли происходить в течение одной ночи.



  • См. эту статью: [Процедура удаления] - ENG
  • Почти никогда не стоит удалять моды из текущей игры.
  • Этот мод должен быть безопасным для удаления в большинстве случаев, начиная с версии 0.4, но обещаний нет.


  • Конфигурация необязательна - большинство игроков могут просто установить и играть с настройками по умолчанию.
  • Инструкции по настройке мода см. в этой статье: [Инструкции по настройке] - ENG
  • Т.е. включение/отключение восклицательного знака, статусов и т.д.

Q: What are "Camp Night Events"?
A: Cutscenes, dream sequences, dialogues, etc. that happen when you go to bed for a long rest.

Q: What does this mod actually do?
A: At various times (when you end a dialog, change regions, etc.) It simulates the checks the game normally does when you click on your bedroll to switch to "Night Mode", and tells you if there are Camp Night Events waiting to happen.


Q: Vortex?
A: I don't use Vortex for BG3. It probably works but I'm not going to troubleshoot it and I can't help you with it. If you use Vortex, you're on your own. BG3 Mod Manager by LaughingLeader is my recommendation for BG3.

Q: Do I need Mod Fixer?
A: Maybe. Probably. Try it and see.

Compatibility & Existing Saves

Q: Is this mod compatible with existing saves? (1) Do I have to start a new game? (2)
A: 1: Yes, 2: No.
This mod is mostly script extender scripts. It doesn't care whether you're loading a 300-hour save or starting a new game. It doesn't matter.

Q: Work with existing saves?
A: Yes. Doesn't matter. Doesn't need a new game. Mod doesn't care.

Q: Compatible with Party Limit Begone?
A: Maybe, but not guaranteed. Don't be surprised if it doesn't work. I don't use PLB and testing against it would slow me down far too much.

Q: Will it mess with my quests/relationships/story/cutscenes?
A: No. This mod only 'queries' the game state to find out when events are pending/eligible/queued and tells you about it. It doesn't otherwise manipulate or change these events in any way.

Notifications, Exclamation marks and Questions about Camp Event logic

Q: How do I disable the exclamation mark?
A: See the 'Configuration' section in the description.

Q: I just rested and the mod is STILL telling me that I have camp events waiting. Why?
A: Yep. Go rest again. BG3 is weird like that.
When you Long Rest, the game looks at what events are waiting and eligible to be played, then chooses the one event with the highest priority. Only the one highest priority event is then played for a single night of rest. Other events are put back into 'the queue' until your next rest.
A later version of this mod will have a feature to allow multiple events to happen in one rest.

Q: I got the notification that there were events waiting, but nothing happened when I long-rested - What gives?
A: This mod errs on the side of telling you when there are probably events waiting to happen, rather than risking you missing some. Try talking to everyone in camp and/or resting again.
* Sometimes the function that determines this will get it wrong because it's imitating the game's logic imperfectly. I'll improve this over time and in later versions.
* Also, sometimes the game is just weird about how and when it 'dismisses' events from being eligible to play.
* Also, sometimes characters wanting to talk to you at the camp makes the mod think there are camp events waiting. A future version will track that separately.

Q: Why does the exclamation mark only appear when I go to camp sometimes, and disappear if I leave camp?
A: See here: [Explanation] - TL;DR: There are limits to the magic the mod can work in how it interacts with BG3's backend story logic. It will improve over time.

Q: The mod tells me there are events waiting, but I don't need to rest and don't want to waste my resources. What do I do?
A: That's nothing specifically to do with this mod, but just do a 'partial rest' without using camp supplies. You'll still trigger camp events.

Благодарность / Credits:

  • Special thanks to the author of Kvalyr for the work done! / Отдельная благодарность автору Kvalyr за проделанную работу!
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